Phylum- Porifera
- Smplest body plan
- Called as ‘Sponges’. They bear numerous pores on their body - ‘Ostia’ and ‘Oscula’.
- Aquatic.
- Most - marine, few - fresh water dwellers.
- Asymmetrical body.a
- Have special types of cells- collar cells.
- Always attached to substratum.
- Do not show locomotion.
- Sedentary animals.
- Spongy body is supported by spicules or spongin fibres.
- Spicules - made up of calcium carbonate or silica.
- Feed upon small organisms taken in their body along with water.
- Water is taken in through ostia and given out through oscula.
- Reproduce by budding, and / or by sexual method.
- Good ability of regeneration.
- Examples: Sycon, Euspongia (Bath sponge),Hyalonema, Euplectella, etc.
Phylum - Coelenterata/Cnidaria :
- Body - cylindrical or umbrella-like.
- Cylindrical body -‘Polyp’
- Umbrella like body - ‘Medusa’.
- Most - marine.
- Only few - fresh-water dwellers.
- Radially symmetrical & diploblastic.
- Bearing tentacles are present around the mouth.
- Tentacles - useful for
- Capturing the prey
- Inject the toxin in the body of prey.
- For protection too.
- Examples: Hydra, Adamsia (Sea anemone), Physalia (Portuguese- man-of war),Aurelia (Jelly fish), Corals, etc.