Phylum- Mollusca and Echinodermata

Phylum- Mollusca :

  • Body - soft and slimy. 
  • Second largest phylum in animal kingdom.
  • Aquatic or terrestrial. 
  • Most - marine, few- fresh water dwellers too.
  • Triploblastic, eucoelomate, non-segmented and soft. 
  • Bilateral symmetry, Except animals like snail.  
  • Their body is divided into three divisions like head, foot and visceral mass.
  • Visceral mass is covered with mantle. This mantle secretes a hard, calcareous shell. 
  • This shell may be external or internal or even absent in some cases.
  • Unisexual.

Examples: Bivalve, Snail, Octopus, etc.

Phylum- Echinodermata :

  • Calcareous spines are present on the body of these animals.
  • Found only in ocean.
  • Triploblastic, eucoelomate. 
  • Radially symmetrical in adult stage. 
  • Show bilateral symmetry in larval stage.
  • They perform locomotion with the help of tube-feet. 
  • Tube feet are also useful for capturing the prey. Some animals are sedentary.
  • Have skeleton made up of calcareous spines and / or ossicles (plates).
  • Good ability of regeneration.
  • Mostly unisexual.

Examples: Star fish, sea-urchin, brittle star, sea-cucumber, etc.