3. Life Processes in Living Organisms Part - 2 L-05

Gamete Formation :

  • Both gametes i.e. sperm and ovum are formed by meiosis. 
  • Sperms are produced in testes of men from beginning of maturation (puberty) till death. 
  • However, in case of women, at the time of birth, there are 2 – 4 million immature oocytes in the ovaries of female foetus. 
  • An oocyte matures and is released from ovary every month from the beginning of maturity up to the age of menopause (approximately 45 years of age). 
  • Menopause is the stoppage of functioning of female reproductive system
  • At the age of about 45 – 50 years, secretion of hormones controlling the functions of female reproductive system either stops or becomes irregular. This causes the menopause.


  • Formation of zygote by union of sperm and ovum is called as fertilization. 
  • Fertilization is internal in humans. 
  • Semen is ejaculated in vagina during copulation. 
  • Sperms, in the numbers of few millions start their journey by the route of vagina – uterus – oviduct. 
  • One of those few million sperms fertilize the only ovum present in the oviduct.
  • From the age of puberty up the menopause (from 10 – 17 years of age up to 45 – 50 years), an ovum is released every month from the ovary. 
  • Out of 2 – 4 million oocytes, approximately only 400 oocytes are released up to the age of menopause. 
  • Remaining oocytes undergo degeneration.
  • Oocytes released from ovaries during last few months nearing the age of menopause are 40 – 50 years old. 
  • Their ability of division has been diminished till now. 
  • Due to this, they cannot complete meiotic division properly. 
  • If such oocytes are fertilized, the new-borns produced from them may be with some abnormalities like Down’s syndrome.
+ Point:

  • The chromosome number in germ cells producing the gametes are diploid i.e. 2n. 
  • It includes 22 pairs of autosomes and 1 pair of sex-chromosomes i.e. (44 + XX or 44 + XY)
  • Due to this, gametes contain only haploid (n) number of chromosomes i.e. (22 + X or 22 + Y). 
  • Two types of sperms - (22 + X) or (22 + Y).
  • Oocytes are produced of only one type - (22 + X).
  • Both, sperms and oocytes are produced by meiosis
  • In case of sperms, process of meiotic division is completed before the sperms leave male reproductive tract. 
  • However, in case of oocytes, process of meiotic division completes after ovulation; during fertilization in oviduct.