3. Life Processes in Living Organisms Part - 2 L-04

B. Sexual reproduction in human being :

  • Men have XY sex-chromosomes and women have XX sex-chromosomes. 
  • X-chromosome is present in men and women.
  • Y-chromosome is present in men only. 
Human male reproductive system :

  • Male reproductive system of humans consists of 
    • testes, 
    • various ducts and 
    • glands. 
  • Testes are present in the scrotum, outside the abdominal cavity. 
  • Testes contain numerous seminiferous tubules
  • Germinal epithelium present in the tubules divide by meiosis to produce sperms.
  • Those sperms are sent forward through various tubules. 
  • Sequence of those tubules is as-
    • rete testis
    • vas eferens
    • epididymis
    • vas deferens
    • ejaculatory duct and 
    • urinogenital duct. 
  • As the sperms are pushed forwards from one duct to next, they become mature and able to fertilize the ovum.
  • Seminal vesicles secrete their secretion in ejaculatory ducts.
  • Postate gland and Cowper’s glands secrete their secretions in urinogenital duct
  • Semen is formed of sperms and secretions of all these glands.
  • Semen is ejaculated out through penis
  • All the organs of male reproductive system are paired except urinogenital duct, prostate gland, penis & scrotum.

Surprising Facts :

  1. Length of each epididymis is about 6 meters.
  2. Length of a sperm is about 60 micrometers
  3. Such a small sperm has to cross the distance of approximately 6.5 meter while passing out of male reproductive system.
  4. Sperm needs large amount of energy. 
  5. For this purpose, fructose is present in the semen.

Human female reproductive system :

  • All organs of female reproductive system are in abdominal cavity. 
  • It includes
    • a pair of ovaries
    • a pair of oviducts
    • single uterus and 
    • a vagina.
  • Besides, a pair of Bartholin's gland is also present.
  • Generally, every month, an ovum is released in abdominal cavity alternately from each ovary. 
  • Free end of oviduct is funnel-like. 
  • An opening is present at the center of it. 
  • Oocyte enters the oviduct through that opening. 
  • Cilia are present on inner surface of oviduct. 
  • These cilia push the oocyte towards uterus.