1.Heredity and Evolution L4

 Darwin’s theory of natural selection :

  • Charles Darwin had collected innumerable specimens of plants and animals.
  • Depending upon the observations of those specimens; he published the theory of natural selection which preaches the survival of fittest. 
  • Book titled ‘Origin of Species’. 
  • All the organisms reproduce prolifically. 
  • All the organisms compete with each other in a life--threatening manner. 
  • Only those organisms sustain which show the modifications essential for winning the competition. 
  • However, besides this, natural selection also plays important role.
  • Nature selects only those organisms which are fit to live and the rest perish. 
  • Darwin’s theory of natural selection was widely accepted for long duration. 
Objections against the theory :

  • Natural selection is not the only factor responsible for evolution.
  • Darwin did not mention any explanation about useful and useless modifications.
  • No explanation about slow changes and abrupt changes
Lamarckism :

  • Morphological changes occurring in living  organisms are responsible for evolution.
  • Reason -  Activities or laziness of that organism. 
  • He called this concept as principle of ‘use or disuse of organs’.
  • Further, he said that the neck of giraffe has become too long due to browsing on leaves of tall plants by extending their neck for several generations; 
  • similarly, shoulders of the ironsmith have become very strong due to frequent hammering movements. 
  • Wings of birds like ostrich and emu have become weak due to no use. 
  • Legs of the birds like swan and duck have become useful for swimming due to living in water
  • snakes have lost their legs by modifications in their body for burrowing habit. 
  • All these examples are types of ‘acquired characters’ and are transferred from one to another generation. This is called as theory of inheritance of acquired characters or Lamarckism.
  • Development of organs due to specific activities or their degeneration due to no use at all was widely accepted 
  •  Transfer of those characters from generation to generation was rejected. 
  • Because it had been verified many times that modifications brought in us are not transferred to next generation and thereby Lamarck’s theory was disproved.
  • The living organism can transfer the characters which it has acquired, to the next generation. This is called ancestry of  acquired characters