1.Heredity and Evolution L2

 Evolution :

  • Evolution is the gradual change occurring in living organisms over a long duration. 
  • This is a very slow-going process through which development of organisms is achieved. 
  • Formation of new species due to changes in specific characters of several generations of living organisms as a response to natural selection, is called as evolution.
  • 3.5 billion years ago, life had been non existent on the Earth. 
  • At the beginning, there may have been only simple elements in the ocean on the Earth.
  • Simple type of organic and inorganic compounds may have been  formed from those. 
  • Complex compounds like proteins and nucleic acids may have formed over the long period from those simple compounds. 
  • First primitive type of cells may have been formed from the mixture of different  types of organic and inorganic compounds. 
  • Number of those cells may have increased at the cost of surrounding chemicals. 
  • At present, crores of species of plants and animals with huge diversity regarding shape and complexity are present on the Earth. 
  • Different theories about origin and evolution of life have been proposed till today of which theory of 'Gradual development of living organisms is accepted.

Theory of Evolution:

  • According to this theory, first living material  (protoplasm) has been formed in ocean. 
  • In due course of time, unicellular organism was formed. 
  • Gradually, changes occurred in the unicellular organisms from which larger and more complex organisms were formed. 
  • All those changes were slow and gradual. 
  • Duration of all these changes is at most 300 crore years. 
  • Changes and development in living organisms had been all round and multi-dimensional and this led to evolution of different types of organisms. Hence, this overall process is called as evolution which is organizational. 
  • Progressive development of plants and animals  from the ancestors having different structural  and functional organization is called evolution.